It is always nighttime in the Metaverse

Whowle (2021)
Harriet Davey

How does making avatars affect your sense of identity?

“Obsessed with questioning what it means to be fluid and human in a digital world, much of my work involves the creation and ‘photographing’ of virtual people. I create impossible posthuman forms and figures in full digital CGI, before posing or animating them and rendering these images. Attempting to stick to truthful and nuanced storytelling, I believe I form very real portraits of unreal characters. These subjects are fluid in all forms. Diversity and inclusion is not sought, but rather generated by hand. The viewer should not regard a character’s weirdness in their gender, race, nudity, ability, or expression, but rather dwell on their strangely glowing eyes, clothes formed of rippling glass, or their twisted glitching movements.

Whowle; my alter ego, my metaverse roaming avatar, is my purest exploration into my gender experience and self-expression. They are everything laid out on the table to be seen. I am them, they are me. Together we reach a point of balance between harsh and soft, femme and masc, tender and brutal.”